en | fr home contact site map private area archives articles conferences editorial network projects publication home navigation archives articles conferences 55 bandung 55 bscs 2011 bandung+60 editorial network secretariat projects publication news the rise of asia conference series vendredi 13 juillet 2018, par dk // conferences this series of conferences provides a platform for physical meeting, sharing, exchanges, studies, discussion, networkng and publication on diverse issues in contemporary world through a phenomenon widely recognised : the rise of asia. contact : asian nuclear technology and policy : what role in the rise of asia ? la technologie et la politique nucleaires asiatiques : quel rôle dans la montée de l’asie ? international and multidisciplinary symposium le havre, october 25-26, 2018 call for sharing (up to august 31, 2018) the symposium aims at sharing with the public the state of knowledge on contemporary issues related to the rise of asia, i.e. the nuclear issue. the public consists of scholars and students interested in asia. the symposium invites experts, researchers, public officers, activists of social and solidarity movements, to share their view without formal paper. the symposium is organised in a form of panel discussions where speakers present their view in informal way. those willing to share their view are invited to send the summary of their view in maximum 300 words accompanied by a short biography to until august 31, 2018. the organising committee will provide the selected speakers with a round trip train ticket paris-le havre and meals during the symposium. the rise of asia 2018 conference report read more... bandung legacy and global future : new insights and emerging forces vendredi 13 avril 2018, par dk // publication darwis khudori , bandung legacy and global future : new insights and emerging forces, new delhi, aakar book, 2018, 16cm x 23.5cm, 304p. isbn 978-93-5002-549-9 (pb) updated edition of bandung at 60 completed with preface, new introduction, bandung+60 declaration, excerpts from the 1955, 2005 and 2015 bandung conference declarations. published by aakar books delhi, india. 2015 is the year of the 60th anniversary of the 1955 bandung asian-african conference. several manifestations of commemoration of this turning point of world history were organised along the year 2014-2015 in diverse countries : china, ecuador, france, ghana, indonesia, nepal, netherlands, tunisia, usa,… why all these commemorations ? what do they reveal ? what are their outcomes ? this book tries to answer these questions by presenting selected papers coming from those diverse manifestations. book series : canada, china, indonesia, senegal, 15 cm x 22 cm, 317p. isbn : 978-602-229-552-5 available at secretariat read more... the rise of asia 2017 conference report samedi 16 septembre 2017, par dk // conferences around 50 papers from diverse parts of the world (austria, belgium, brazil, burkina faso, ethiopia, france, ghana, hong kong, hungary, india, indonesia, japan, malaysia, morocco, nepal, palestine, philippines, russia, taiwan. turkey, uk, usa, vietnam...) were presented and discussed in the first edition of the conference that took place in paris and le havre on march 22-24, 2017, covering a wide range of issues : the rise of asia seen from inside and outside asia ; the rise of asia in global history ; the rise of asia and new world order ; the rise of asia : impacts, risks and opportunities for africa, latin america, arab world, europe ; the rise of asia in the fields of architecture, business, culture, ecology, economy, gender, international relations, religion, urban development. the conference report presents the feature of the conference. read more... rethinking emerging forces 60 years after the bandung conference vendredi 15 mai 2015, par dk // bandung+60 conference building sovereignty, preventing hegemony : the challenges for emerging forces in the globalised world international and multidisciplinary conference of a commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the 1955 bandung asian-african conference organised by bandung+60 organisation . bandung+60 letter to the president of the republic of indonesia bandung+60 declaration bandung+60 conference report bandung+60 conference testimony bandung+60 conference review bandung+60 conference summary video bandung+60 conference complete video bandung+60 conference speakers’ life history (darwis khudori, ebrima sall, eka swadiansa, fatima harrak, manoranjan mohanty, n. tony nwaezeigwe, yukio kamino) bandung+60 follow-up in video bandung+60 working groups scientific board and a steering committee read more... bandung+60 jeudi 14 mai 2015, par dk // bandung+60 bandung+60 is a series of events (conferences, seminars, workshops, cultural festivals, gatherings) organised along 2014-2015 in divers places of the world in the framework of commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the bandung conference. read more... articles saturday 6 december 2014, by dk // articles this rubric presents articles considered relevant to the development of the -based movements. you find articles written by beatriz bissio, darwis khudori, katu arkonada, kinhide mushakoji, manoranjan mohanty, noha khalaf, samir amin, in arabic, english, french, indonesian. read more » religious diversity in a globalised society: challenges and responses in africa and asia sunday 21 july 2013, by dk // publication book series 15 cm x 22 cm, 259 pages. isbn: 978-802-284-031-2 darwis khudori (ed.), religious diversity in a globalised society: challenges and responses in africa and asia - with a comparative view from europe available at secretariat read more » towards a sustainable ecology: global challenges and local responses in africa and asia monday 9 july 2012, by dk // publication book series 15 cm x 22 cm, 279 pages. isbn: 978-602-203-274-8 darwis khudori and yukio kamino (eds.), towards a sustainable ecology: global challenges and local responses in africa and asia available at secretariat read more » latest news 21/07 — book series selected matters of the events organised in the framework of network are published in the forms of printed book (for the proceedings or selected papers of conferences, seminars or workshops) and dvd (for the proceedings of arts and cultural workshops and festivals) under the label of respectively book series and audiovisual series. the last four books published with the label of book series are the followings. rethinking solidarity in global society the rise of religion-based political movements towards a sustainable ecology religious diversity in a globalised society: 21/07 — religious diversity in a globalised society: challenges and responses in africa and asia following the 55 bandung 55 summit held in indonesia in 2010, a series of books is in the course of publication. they reflect the sub-themes of the conferences that are culture, ecology, economy, politics and religion. the second of the series deals with religious issues and has been published on june 2013. book reference darwis khudori (ed.), religious diversity in a globalised society: challenges and responses in africa and asia - with a comparative view from europe - 55 years after the bandung asian-african conference 1955. publisher: csscs (centre for south-south cooperation studies), brawijaya university, malang, east java, indonesia. co-publishers: al qalam institute, ateneo de davao university, davao, mindanao, the philippines; gric (group of research on identity and culture), university of le havre, france; ildes (lebanese institute for economic and social development), beirut, lebanon; swir (centre for world christianity and interreligious studies), radboud university nijmegen, the netherlands. book profile religious diversity in a globalised society: challenges and responses in africa and asia 18/12 — task force foll